Monday, 21 March 2016
Lacta Chocolate Homemade Yummy
Rasanya belum terlambat Ummi nk share satu lagi resepi laktasi khas untuk mummy2 yg BF di luar sana..resepi yg mudah bangaatt..sodap n cepaat disediakan..sekarang ni pun tgh trend makanan berasaskan coklat..
For this time Ummi akan share resepi Lacta Chocolate Homemade Yummy..Ummi dh lama buat cuma belum berkesempatan nak update..Resepi ni ala2 chocolate homemade yg ada kt pasaran, cuma Ummi olah & present it on lactation style.. Sapo cakap, makanan untuk ibu menyusu ni terhad kat a few things je..come on, no need nak pantang2 sangat..enjoy your BF journey with your fav food..but need to olah cket in lactation mood.hehe..
So this time Ummi share this resepi for those yg mmg hantu chocholate & at same time nak milkbooster gak..Cuba la..InsyaAllah mummy akan dapat result yg owesome..But no worries if u did not get the 'milkbooster'nye..u still get the delicious of chocolate..
Jom semak resepi ni..
Sebelum tu layan dolu gambarnye :)
Lacta Chocolate Homemade Yummy (16 biji)
1/2 cup milk choc coin
1/4 cup dark choc coin
1 tbs dates
2 tbs flaxseed
1 1/2 tbs brewers yeast
1/2 tbs fenugreek
1 tbs almond
1. Cairkan choc dgn kaedah double boiler..Make sure choc x dimasuki wap air
2. Masukkan kesemua bahan2 lain..kacau bagi sekata
3. Tuang aduan choc ke mould
4. Hentakkan mould secara perlahan supaya choc dpt fulfill
5. Biar seketika dlm peti lbh kurang 20-30 mnt (sehingga keras)
6. Keluarkan choc dr mould, sedia dimakan..
* jgn simpan choc dlm peti @ tpt panas ye..
letak dlm suhu bilik je..InsyaAllah bleh tahan utk 2 minggu..
Selamat mencuba..
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